Bachelor of Social Work Application Process
Application Process to BSW Program
If you would like to be considered for entrance to the WPU Social Work Program, Social Work applications are due every year by October 1 and students are notified of their admittance status to the Program by November 1. Students are to submit the Social Work Application to the Social Work Program Assistant at
WPU Application
Social Work Application
Submit WPU Application – Rolling admissions process
Submit WPU Social Work Application – By October 1
Social Work Department Reviews Applications, Transcripts, & then schedules interview with Social Work Dean and SW faculty – October 1 – November 1
Decision made & communicated to student – November 1
- Minimum of 60 credits completed,
- Overall GPA of 2.0,
- Completion of the following courses with a C or higher: EN 101; SOC 140; PSY 140 or 141; SW 200; BIO 121 (or transfer equivalencies).
The major is typically 4 semesters long once you enter the social work program.
Part I: General Education Core
Prerequisites: BIO 121, SOC 140
Part II: Bachelor of Social Work Required Courses (46 credits)
- SW 200 Exploring Social Work 3 credits
- HD/SW 330 Life Span Human Development 3 credits
- SOC/HIS 340 Race and Ethnic Relations 3 credits
- SOC/PS 345 Social Problems and Public Policy 3 credits
- SW 380 Practice I: Individuals 4 credits
- SW 385 Practice II: Families and Groups 4 credits
- SW 390 Practice III: Organization and Communities 4 credits
- SS 393 Research Methods and Applied Statistics 4 credits
- SW 420 Addictions, Mental Health, and Trauma 3 credits
- SW 485 Human Trafficking and Human Rights 3 credits
- SW 491 Field Practicum I 4 credits
- SW 492 Field Practicum II Field 4 credits
- SW 495 Field Practicum Seminar I 2 credits
- SW 496 Field Practicum Seminar II 2 credits